Awaken is a multi-church movement of prayer and fasting unifying hundreds of people to strategically pray for Medina County households by name.

WHY Participate in AWAKEN?

The scriptures teach that there is a clear connection between faithful prayer and Spirit-filled revival and history reminds us that Spirit-filled revival nearly always begins when God’s people humble themselves through prayer and fasting.  Our cultural moment illuminates the reality that our world needs a Spirit-filled awakening.  We believe awakening starts with the church, and then spreads because we also believe that no person is beyond the reach of God’s transforming love.


This month-long journey of prayer and fasting will take place wherever you are located day in and day out.  In other words, this is not about a big event.  Rather, this is about the church being mobilized to pray in unity no matter where we are scattered each day as individuals.


March 4 - April 2


Sign up and download the getting started guide.

Awaken Resources

Prayer Guide

Create a daily rhythm of prayer. This guide contains daily devotionals written specifically for Awaken 2023.

Fasting Guide

Learn about what fasting is, what it isn’t and practical ideas to use while fasting.

Awaken for Kids

Participate with your entire family! Awaken for Kids gives you weekly discussion topics and daily scripture readings to guide the family in praying for others.

Recommended Reading

Revival Starts Here

You can purchase this book through Northside by visiting the display in the lobby at either campus.

Packets cotaining printed copies of all of these resources can also be picked up at the Awaken display in the lobby of both campuses.

have you seen God moving through Awaken 2023? We would love to hear your story.