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Thanksgiving Love Offering

Every year we have a Thanksgiving Offering that is above and beyond our normal tithe on one Sunday a year to give to special causes. This year’s offering will go towards Habitat for Humanity.  Our leadership team decided to raise funds for a project that will have a lasting impact on one local individual as well as encourage ongoing involvement from church members. This year’s goal is to raise $70,000 that will help build a home in Brunswick as well as purchase the lumber for the framing of a second home that will be used in Wayne County. 

Additional Ways To Be Generous

Giving Tree

Share a gift with a local child and help make their Christmas special. This year, we are partnering with Northside's Care Pantry to provide gifts from our Giving Tree. During the Care Pantry event on December 19th, participants will have the opportunity to select gifts for their families. To participate, please bring new, unwrapped gifts to the church by December 15th. We suggest keeping the value of each gift around $25. Additionally, we are collecting gift wrapping supplies to share with the Care Pantry. Thank you for your generosity!

Operation Christmas Child

Pick up a shoebox in the lobby of either campus. Fill it with toys, school supplies, and personal care items. Share the love of Jesus around the world with a simple shoebox gift.

Shoeboxes need to be returned by November 24th.