Ben Ruprecht

In 1952 the Supreme Court upheld the constitutional right of Americans to provide a religious education to public school students during school hours through a practice known as Released-Time Religious Instruction.  Christians in Van Wert, Ohio learned of this strategy to reach the next generation with the Gospel in 2012 and started a Bible education program for their elementary students.  By 2015 nearly 95% of the entire elementary, grades 1-5, were receiving a Bible education during school hours.  In 2018, the positive impact was undeniable and those who started the program began asking, “Why doesn’t every school in the nation have a Bible education program?”  The answer seemed to be that there were just too many barriers to entry.  With that answer in mind, LifeWise Academy was formed; a plug-and-play model designed to remove those barriers to entry and help communities all across the nation start a Bible education program for their public school students.  God has been blessing LifeWise with tremendous growth since 2018.  

‘18-’19 - 2 schools

‘19-’20 - 5 schools

‘20-’21 - 8 schools

‘21-’22 - 36 schools

‘22-’23 - 133 schools & 15,000 students, 4 states 

‘23-’24 - (Confirmed) 330 schools & 35,000+ students, 12 states

 Ben Ruprecht is a Regional Representative with LifeWise Academy driving growth in Northern Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, and Nebraska.  Ben began volunteering with LifeWise in 2020 and came on staff in April of 2022.  Ben resides with his wife Holly and three children; Silas, Lilly, and Ella, in Auburn, Indiana.


Ben can be reached at