We are so excited that you’re interested in learning more about baptism! Surrendering your life to Jesus and being baptized is the most important decision you will ever make. This is not the end of your spiritual journey… it’s just the beginning! Because of that, we want you to be confident in the step you are taking. You are ready to be baptized if you believe that Jesus is the Son of God, that you are a sinner in need of a Savior, and that Jesus is the only one who can save you – by God’s grace through a personal faith in him. If you believe these things, then baptism is your next step!
Below are answers to frequently asked questions regarding baptism. There is also a video teaching from Pastor Eric that explains the salvation process in detail. If you have any further questions or are ready to be baptized, please sign up below.
All those who are willing to repent of their sins and confess their belief in Christ should be baptized. (Matthew 28:19; Acts 2:38-39)
The word baptism comes from the Greek word “baptizmo”, this term is the only term used in the Bible for baptism and literally means “dipping, immersing or washing”. Also, referring again to Romans 6:1-5, baptism is a symbol and a participation in Christ death, burial and resurrection. It is a representation of our dying to our old selves and being raised again to a new life. Therefore, we believe that biblical baptism is by immersion only.
There are nine conversions recorded in the New Testament. Every conversion is immediately accompanied by baptism. At Northside, we believe that the best way to fulfill God’s will for the church is to follow the example laid down in the New Testament. Following the resurrection of Christ, there is no salvation in the New Testament that did not include baptism. The act of baptism does not save you by itself. Therefore, we believe that baptism is an essential part of the salvation/conversion process.
It is a custom in some churches to baptize infants. While we honor parent’s commitment to raise their children in the Lord, we believe that baptism is only legitimate if it is a conscience choice of the individual, not a decision of their parents or any other person. A person believes in and accepts Christ, in turn, they get baptized. An infant is incapable of making these distinctions. We believe that infants have no way of knowing right from wrong and therefore cannot have sinned and will have a place in Heaven until the inevitable time that they will sin and thus need salvation.
Many come to a place in their life where they feel that they need to be re-baptized. In the case of a person feeling that their baptism didn’t count because they were too young or they didn’t really understand what they were doing, we encourage them to be re-baptized. If a person is an immersed believer and falls into sin for a time and comes back seeking forgiveness and restoration, re-baptism is not necessary.
In closing:
Baptism is a truly beautiful event in a person’s life. It is a powerful gift from God and should not be a source of controversy or contention. Our hope at Northside is to unite Christians in following the example set down in scriptures and to glorify God in every way we can, including through baptism as God intended it.