Jackie Brant - Glad tiding ministries

Glad Tidings Ministries (Jackie Brant) served in Africa for 31 years. We also served in Spain for 2 years. Glad Tidings still supports Malawi Christian Mission as their stateside representatives. The work is in the hands of lead pastor, Alfred Kachipeso. I’m thankful that the small group of Churches and individuals that support them have been so faithful through the years.
On returning to the states in 1999, I was asked to help in the Missions Dept. at KCU as a volunteer staff which I did until the programs changed. I’m still mentoring students. In 2012 I joined the Jail ministry our church started. Although I can’t visit each week (since the pandemic began) I still keep in touch through letters and the staff passes out the Daily Bread devotionals the Church provides regularly. We receive 45 copies and if the women all get one they give the rest to any men or staff who want them. I’m hoping I will soon be visiting and sharing on a regular basis. As a result of this ministry and because we saw that any women who wanted one got a Celebrate Recovery Bible, we now have CR meetings in Grayson, the only one in this county. It is really doing well and through a private group on Facebook for women inmates who are out, CCDC FRIENDS, I encourage them to come. Some have and they are responding well; even sharing testimonies. God bless you for part in spreading the Gospel!


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