Fanuel Mashoko
Fanuel is an identical twin to his brother Francis, born and raised in the Mashoko area 51 years ago. His dad was a teacher in the local village schools circuit. Fanuel and his twin became Christians at a young age, but became passionate about their faith at High School at Mashoko. They met Dereck Mushayamunda at Mashoko High School were they were all very active in the students’ Preachers’ Club, and would travel into the surrounding villages at the weekends to preach. Dereck as a one time leader of the Preachers Club was instrumental in recruiting the ‘twins’ and several other guys for bible training at Zimbabwe Christian college in the capital in Harare. After the three year program, the twins came to the United States to do a degree program with a major in Bible at the then Kentucky Christian College in 1988. On their return to Zimbabwe, they taught in a rural Secondary School and thereafter at Zimbabwe Christian College where Fanuel rose to the position of Vice Principal. After about eight years at the College Fanuel and his family moved to Botswana, a neighboring country west of Zimbabwe where he served as a missionary.
On his return to Zimbabwe in 2010, Fanuel joined Mushayamunda Christian Development Trust where he serves as the administrator and lead minister. Besides his administrative functions, Fanuel has been the point minister for Mukanga Church of Christ for 18 months now. He has also acted as the point chaplain mentor at Mukanga Primary and Secondary schools, and currently serves at Odzi Primary and Secondary Schools.