Jorge & Diana Lugo

Jorge and Diana are missionaries with Teamexpansion that exists to multiply disciples and churches among the unreached, with more than 13 years of experience in Venezuela. Jorge was born and raised in Venezuela and Diana was born and raised on the mission field and is part of a great legacy of missionaries in her family. They have two sons Joshua and jacob. After Jorge graduated from Cincinnati Christian University in 2006 he joined a team of missionaries in Caracas that planted 41 churches until now.

The Lugo’s are mentors who oversee the national pastors and leaders. Jorge is also one of the pastors at the Iglesia eternidad in Caracas.

Political turmoil and social unrest has destabilized a country that was once a leader in technology, education and economic wealth in South America. Today Venezuelans are among the poorest people in the world as the monthly minimum wage has dropped from nearly $ 300 a month to only $ 1. The 24,000% inflation this last year alone has crippled the economy and devastated the middle and lower class. This has led to a mass exodus of families leaving the country to find answers elsewhere. The church has also lost a significant amount of members and leaders in this migration. Those who have stayed are struggling to survive as the quality of life has deteriorated to its lowest in modern history. The rate of malnutrition and diseases have skyrocketed to epidemic levels as a growing number of the population don’t have access to basic needs like food, medicine and running water. The elderly and the young kids are the most affected. We have found the need to broaden our ministry to include social needs and crisis relief as we serve as the middlemen to provide basic food, medicine and emergency relief to the local church. Individuals and organizations have joined up to help Venezuela survive this crisis by donating funds and goods to help out.
Join us in prayer for Venezuela and the church there, Subscribe to our newsletter and stay updated monthly on our progress.
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Their email is and they also have a Magic jack phone 513-276-4929 and the calls go directly to their cell phone in case you want to call them to talk on the phone.
Thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve the Lord on the mission field.

We love you

Jorge and Diana


Fanuel Mashoko


Vida Nueva Ministries