MCDF (Mushayamunda Christian Development Foundation)

Mushayamunda Christian Development Foundation (MCDF) was formed in early 2000 by the Mushayamunda Brothers and their families (Donald (Maud), Dereck (Yvonne), Dennis (Girlie), and Daniel (Nicole) to serve the people of Matsai area in Bikita, Zimbabwe. The brothers were inspired to start the organization in honor of their late parents Tangston (Matangira) and Sipelile (Mai Lee), who loved the people and who were faithful servants to the people of Matsai.

MCDF seeks to partner with like-minded people and churches/organizations to create inspired serving opportunities directed towards disadvantaged communities, especially orphans and widows whose life processes have been changed by the prevalence of AIDS and poverty in Zimbabwe. For a few dollars a day, you can support life-changing ministry efforts towards orphaned children, support the availability of clean drinking water, augment food availability by developing irrigation/gardening projects, buying basic foodstuff to feed the hungry while carrying out the great commission as envisaged in Mathew 28.

Please pray for these three main goals for 2021

  • To keep all our 15 pastors.

  • To remain effective in what we do despite the limitations of the pandemic.

  • Last year, we did the reading and preaching through the New Testament in one year. This had a huge impact on all our churches as it raised biblical literacy to new levels. So, when the pandemic hit and churches were closed, this was the surest way to keep members engaged in the word. By public demand, all the churches requested to redo it this year to make up for interruptions last year and for those who had no bibles. We, therefore, are praying for God to raise helpers to enable us to buy 1,000 bibles at $10-00 each. So far, we have commitments for $1,000-00 to purchase 100 bibles.


Rob Minton


Velocity Church